
Please Enter with Smile

  • 9 April 22
  • 163 revirew
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On the Seventeenth annual ‘breaking of the donation box’ bazaar, which was held on October 1-2, 2015, we at MAHAK celebrated the world smile day with the presence of MAHAK supporters and volunteers, artists, athletes, members of the board of directors and trustees with smiles and acts of kindness.
During this ceremony, MAHAK’s vision to run hope, raise a smile and emphasize on “Cancer Is Not the End”, came alive with distributing more than 5000 colorful smiley face badges among the visitors. All the attendees, wearing their badges on, wrote their wishes and dreams on a big canvas, which was auctioned at the end of the ceremony.
The celebration ended with a smiley mass balloon release, as a symbolic gesture wishing the children at MAHAK successful recovery and that one day we can bid farewell to cancer.
MAHAK recognizes the positive impact of a simple act of smiling and encouraged everyone on this day to simply help one person smile. Even a smile can be charity when it motivates a child in the battle with cancer.


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