

  • 11 July 23
  • 784 revirew
  • 0 comment
  1. How can I help MAHAK?
  2. Can I volunteer at MAHAK?
  3. How can patients benefit from MAHAK’s services?
  4.  Does MAHAK only offer cancer treatment?
  5. Is MAHAK only active in Iran?
  6.  (How) Does MAHAK use financial and cash donations for its activities?
  7.  How can I join the MAHAK supporter community?
  8.  (How) Does MAHAK cover the cost of patient treatment?
  9.  Does MAHAK operate independently of the government as a non-profit organization?
  10. Is MAHAK exempt from taxes as a charity?
  11. What is MAHAK?
  12. What does MAHAK’s logo represent?
  13. Is MAHAK Hospital governmental?
  14. How does MAHAK fund?
  15. Who can benefit from MAHAK?
  16. What are services offered by MAHAK?
  17. How many cancer-stricken children are supported by MAHAK?
  18. Does MAHAK only cover the cost of patient treatment?
  19. Is MAHAK only active in Iran?
  20. Does MAHAK have any branches of offices in other countries?
  21. How can I join MAHAK family and help children?
  22. How can I be a volunteer?
  23. How can I donate?
  24. How can I donate medications?
  25. What is the procedure for an international cooperation?
  26. Which scientific and management associations does MAHAK work with?
  27. How can I visit MAHAK charity and hospital?
  28. How can I have an interview with the governance body?




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