Simple Acts Express Kindness
- 17 April 22
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Today, 13th of November 2020, is the World Kindness Day. But it is not solely dedicated to people who surprise us with their inordinate acts. The kindness day also celebrates those who know that kindness can stem from very small actions; and know that it is the kindness itself that leaves its mark and not necessarily the nature of the act. They know how to make your days better with a simple smile. They send a short text message to a friend they haven’t seen for a while and say:” You are always in my mind,” knowing that this short sentence elevates mood beyond comprehension. When they walk in the street and see an obstacle, they remove it so that it won’t hurt other people. Kind people know that making donations to a charity (regardless of the amount) can bring back joy to a recipient family. Such people are kind because they know that spreading affection among people can make the world a more beautiful place.
Dear kind sir or madam, thank you for spending your time at MAHAK’s page instead of all other activities you can do; today is dedicated to you. Kindness can be following a charity on Instagram to let them know you are a caring supporter. On your day, extend the act of kindness by raising our spirit through leaving a comment.
Happy World Kindness Day to you lovely kind people