Systems and methods Department
- 4 July 22
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Systems and methods Department
The systems and methods department is responsible for designing and compiling structures and work processes, planning based on long-term (strategic) and short-term (operational) goals, monitoring and controlling performance, and identifying factors that can improve the organization’s performance. This department consists of the following three sub-areas:
The field of processes and systems: This field is responsible for designing and updating the methods and systems of the organization.
Project management and control field: This field is responsible for transforming the organization’s strategic plan into operational projects and controlling the implementation of projects.
Quality assurance area: This area is responsible for monitoring and controlling the organization’s key performance indicators. One of the most critical performance indicators of the organization is the stakeholder satisfaction index, which is conducted through continuous surveys of the main stakeholders (patients and their families, benefactors (Donors), suppliers of goods and equipment, volunteers, etc.).