

  • 17 April 22
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From the early years of founding the Society, one of MAHAK’s major goals was to establish a Pediatric Cancer Hospital. A piece of land was purchased in1997, the construction started in 1999 and in March 2007, the dream came true with the inauguration of the Hospital. The highly specialized pediatric cancer hospital, which has access to the world’s latest technology in the field of pediatric cancer diagnosis and treatment, plays a vital role in the region.
By 2014,over 23,000 cancer-stricken children have covered by MAHAK and enjoy support services provided by the  charity to resolve anxieties and fears about cancer diagnosis and treatment. In addition,  understanding the difficulty of travelling a long distance for cancer treatment and designating a particular place as boarding house for those families who travel a far distance to reach MAHAK is one of the charity achievements.
MAHAK also adheres to its mission to completely support children with cancer and their families with the aid of  the Charter of Patients’ Rights, new and efficient methods,  the latest achievements of medical science, and the most up to date diagnostic, treatment and prevention methodologies.

While United Nations Millennium development goals are defined as bellow:
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality rates
Goal 5: Improve maternal health
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

MAHAK contributes to realizing the following goals and to this end it takes active part in the relevant meetings held by UNDP in Tehran.

1.Changes in Standards of Treatment for the sake of children suffering from Cancer
2.Changes in Standards of Nursing to support children suffering from Cancer
3.Cooperating with World-wide well-known Iranian Physicians in the field of Pediatric Cancer
4.Joint medical and non-medical projects with very well-known research institutions and organizations
5.Covering more than over 23,000 Children with Cancer till 2014

6.The fourth goal “Reduction in the mortality rate of children” corresponds to MAHAK ‘s own charter. MAHAK contributes to this goal by providing children with modern patient care and services.

7.Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility in Iran through holding an International congress
8.Rendering service to our neighbor countries and all existing ethnics and religions in Iran


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