
Childhood Continues in MAHAK

  • 27 November 23
  • 282 revirew
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Childhood holds a high value in MAHAK that is why we make every effort to preserve the sense of childhood for children passing their treatment days so that when they grow up, they will have good memories of these days and not just their pain.
After World War II, the United Nations proposed that countries around the world designate a day in their country as World Children’s Day to show their support for children, who had survived the devastating war of those days. In Iran, World Children’s Day is celebrated on October 8th.
This day is very important to us because it reminds us that childhood is the right of every child, and we are proud of the children who are fighting with cancer and we well know that with your assistance as our constant supporter, our children can all smile again on their days of health.
On the occasion of this day, place a red heart for all MAHAK children.


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