
Close the existing gap between illness to health

  • 28 February 22
  • 293 revirew
  • 0 comment
Dear MAHAK supporters, welcome to another day of MAHAK’s 2022 World Cancer Day campaign.
You have been acquainted with this campaign, its goals and its theme which is #ClosetheCareGap in accessing diagnostic, treatment and support services for all cancer patients.
As a result of your care and patronage and by relying on the trust you put on MAHAK, this charity organization has been able to cover the treatment expenses for 34929 cancer-stricken children (considering the economic status of their families) in all public and university hospitals with hematology-oncology wards across the country. In spite of increasing treatment expenses during the past years, your support has made us able to constantly provide services for cancer-stricken children while every day 6 new children have joined MAHAK.
Treatment abandonment due to financial costs has been and will always be our concern according to which we, at MAHAK will move forth in our path until all care gaps get closed. You #ClosetheCareGap with your love and do this humanitarian magic spectacularly.
P.S. Tell your friends about this campaign and invite them to go orange in support of MAHAK children.


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