
Code of Ethics

  • 17 April 22
  • 856 revirew
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Here at MAHAK, the Society to Support Children Suffering from Cancer, recognizing our responsibility to be accountable to our patients, families, employees and the community, we have adopted the following charter:


  1. Commitment to our vision and mission: We are committed, and have been since the early years of our founding, to funding and supporting every child with cancer and their respective families.
  2.  Dedication to the values of transparency and accountability in all aspects of operation: We adhere to these vital values by holding ourselves to the highest standards in our conduct.
  3. Provision of facilities and treatment to all patients and their families without discrimination: All patients have equal access to our services and facilities regardless of nationality, race, creed or financial ability.
  4. Compliance with international standards: MAHAK received the Société Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Verified Certificate for NGO Benchmarking in 2018 with the score of 97.5 and ranked as the 1st NGO in the world to do so.
  5.  Financial accountability: Our periodic reports inform the public and MAHAK staff of the generous contribution from our donors and the manner in which they are allocated in our health-care and support services as well as our operational expenditure.


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