
Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 30 August 22
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Why corporate social responsibility is a crucial concept to us?

MAHAK‘s Motto of «help us and let us help you» creates the vision of «passion for humankind». This can be seen in the public involvement and the assistance offered to this organization. MAHAK, being in close contact with every individual and with its committed and sincere presence, has reached a distinct position with the government and the civil society. In our country, social participation has its roots in the ancient Iranian culture and belief that encourages helping others, establishing orphanages, asylums, clinics, schools, etc while in the industrial world of today, the concepts such as CSR as modern means of participation are much discussed and the NGOs including MAHAK should try to profit from these new ideas.

How your organization or company can get involved?

–Donation Box Station
–Mobility in daily life of cured children
–Promoting Philanthropy
–Let MAHAK be recognized through Your Goods or Services
–Help MAHAK’s “Green Building ”through Renewable Energy
–Economizing in the electricity consumption “cutting down the Overhead Costs in favor of Treatment”
–Economizing water consumption “A Single Water Drop Saved Means a Couple of Drops for Treatment”

In addition,  since  the proposed projects are developed just based on MAHAK’s requirements, they are prone to be beyond your field of interest or your field of activity; and as we believe that the Corporate Social Responsibility is a mutual relationship between NGOs and Commercial Entities, in such cases, our fundraising section is open to develop CSR projects within the frameworks you are interested in, based on MAHAK’s requirements. If you are interested in cooperating with MAHAK in our current project or in the future projects according to your organization’s capabilities, please contact us either through the following numbers or e-mail;

Email: international@mahak-charity.org

Read more about our CSR activities by

Downloading the press release of 1st international CSR congress

The Report of 2nd CSR Congress in MAHAK

The Report of 3rd CSR Congress in MAHAK

The Report of 4th CSR Congress in MAHAK

The Report of  5th  CSR Congress in MAHAK

The Closure of the 5th International Congress on Corporate Social Responsibility


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