
Quality Assurance

  • 17 April 22
  • 525 revirew
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Quality assurance plays an important role in sustaining the development, growth and continuous improvement of our charity and care services. This department communicates closely with the public to identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses which are then considered in implementing projects that will sustainably achieve MAHAK’s target goals and service provisions.

Launched in 2009, this department has been tasked with collecting and analyzing public opinion and obtaining feedback and constructive suggestions for continuous improvement in service delivery on part of the charity and the hospital.  Reporting directly to the office of the Managing Director, the promise of accountability to all stakeholders is initiated here. By steadily identifying better methods of operation throughout the organization, department managers and key decision makers can focus on the prioritization of goals and the allocation of resources for their realization.

MAHAK’s vision is to be among the world’s top five NGOs, and the need for the integrated supervision of overall quality in all facets of the organization’s activities is essential to achieving this goal.


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