Happy 30th Anniversary of MAHAK Family
- 17 April 22
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If the sidewalks near hospitals could speak, they would tell us many stories of birth, decease, laughter, tears and the battle of hope and despair. The most moving memories they have, are definitely the ones about parents who had travelled miles away from their hometowns and were living in a tent near the hospital where their children were receiving treatment services. These parents whispered to the sky to be a good ceiling and to the earth to be a good floor for them.
MAHAK has been highly concerned about supporting children with cancer and their families and has put this aim at the top priority in its mission. Sidewalks can testify that it’s been many years that no families of cancer-stricken children have stayed and lived outside of a hospital. They can testify that no fathers have been in two minds about continuing their child’s treatment or stopping it since MAHAK was established.
As a result of the care and patronage of the ever-expanding family of MAHAK, the families of cancer-stricken children have had no concerns other than the treatment of their children during the past 30 years and there have always been psychologists and social workers who diminish their sorrows and resolve their anguish.
On the occasion of the International Day of Families, we pay tribute to all the members of the ever-growing family of MAHAK who have supported the angels suffering from cancer during the past 30 years.
Happy International Day of Families.