
Happy World Children’s Day 2020

  • 17 April 22
  • 326 revirew
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Painting is a part of our childhood memories which always remains in our minds. November 20, 2020 is the World Children’s Day which is full of love, hope, color and wishes.

On this occasion, MAHAK children held a virtual painting exhibition to draw their beautiful childhood world. They are taking us to a journey from a plain paper to the colorful world of their dreams and inviting us to their lovely childhood world. We hope for the day when will paint the scene of their celebration for their recovery from cancer.
On the World Children’s Day, we wish for a colorful world which will become a better place for all the children.
We congratulate the World Children’s Day to all children for making a beautiful world for us and congratulate it to all the adults who rely on the children for giving them the hope to go forth in life.


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