How Does MAHAK Assess its Organizational Performance? Our story Our History Mission & Vision Code of Ethics Articles of Association Message From CEO Organization Charts Departments Achievements International Standpoint International Days News & Events Reports Contact Us Your Opinion
- 17 April 22
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Since MAHAK’s inception 30 years ago, we have been fully cognizant of our crucial role in supporting cancer-stricken children and have worked hard to do so to the best of our ability. In this vein, our number one priority is to continue to maintain the highest standards in every facet of our operations. This has translated to a cycle of continuous improvement with well-defined objectives and clearly specified quality metrics. Meeting and indeed surpassing well-defined and globally sanctioned standards and metrics remains the fundamental pillar we build on as our services expand in quality and scope.
Our overarching mission can be achieved when two fundamental goals are met concomitantly: saving the lives of cancer-stricken children while maintaining the trust of our benefactors. We know that this mission can be accomplished by relying on management principles geared to attaining the highest standards, while also understanding underlying requirements under varying conditions and in the face of extremely unpredictable external developments and circumstances.
This decision-making model led MAHAK to voluntarily undertake its first performance assessment audit by a reputable independent agency some twenty years ago and to share the results publicly with all our stakeholders. In addition to various in-house standard metrics to measure effectiveness, an independent performance audit has since become a periodic exercise at MAHAK and the standards we have set in all the aspects of our service provision, as well as our organizational performance, have led to the widespread acknowledgement that we are leaders on a global level. The last benchmarking done by the Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) placed MAHAK at the very top among NGOs across the globe.
In sum, a management approach based on observing and improving performance standards should be the basis for decision-making and operations for all organizations and this approach is already well in place for MAHAK. We recognize and celebrate World Standards Day, October 14, 2021, and we hope to continue to maintain our greatest asset which is the trust the donors have shown us through their contributions. This in turn enables us to provide full service to children with cancer and their families through the diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment stages of their cancer journey.