
Inauguration of a playroom for a pediatric cancer hospital in city of Urmia

  • 17 January 24
  • 210 revirew
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Keeping our children’s spirits lifted at the hospital is a kind of remedy alongside the treatments they receive. Despite all the pain and hardships of cancer, MAHAK strives to preserve their quality of life by experiencing the taste of happy childhood days. Over the years, we have learned that the more our children pass different stages of treatment with more hope when they feel happy and calm; you might not believe it, but sometimes they are not even afraid of injections!

What makes childhood days memorable are the times children are playing! The playroom is a beacon of hope for MAHAK children in every hospital, allowing them to forget their pain for even a few minutes. To kindle another light and the well-being of MAHAK children in another part of our country, a playroom in Motahari Hospital, located in Urmia city, which hosts children with cancer, has recently been inaugurated and equipped by MAHAK support services department.

For over 32 years, considering its mission, MAHAK has opened its arms to the whole country to support children with cancer and provide them with their medication and treatment expenses.

In this vein, MAHAK is striving to launch and equip facilities such as playrooms in pediatric oncology departments in hospitals across the country to take a step towards their comfort and peace during treatment. Hope for a day when all cancer-stricken children think only of play and happiness in their good days, free from the worries of illness and treatment.


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