Internal Inspector
- 4 July 22
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Internal Inspector
As charitable institutions receive their resources from the community, they are always obligated to comply the principles of accountability and transparency toward all stakeholders. They must ensure, through accurate reporting to the community, that they employ the best and most accurate methods of performance and operational processes to convert received resources and donations into more effective assistance for targeted groups. MAHAK always considers itself responsible to the trust of its benefactors, seeks to evaluate its performance using various methods, including annual independent auditing, international inspections, volunteer participation in audits, and internal and international standards and assessments. Additionally, the presence of an internal auditing unit within the organization can be another reassuring method that is effective in achieving this goal.
MAHAK’s internal auditing unit, under the direct supervision of the board of directors, is responsible for independently examining and evaluating referred topics and organizational activities in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter in a defined process. Internal auditing is an independent and impartial activity that has done to improve performance, optimize resource consumption, ensure and advise on advance and process improvements, as well as evaluate risk management and control. In simpler terms, evaluating the effectiveness of business processes and their alignment with MAHAKs goals is one of the most important functions of this unit.
As part of the implementation of the 2021-2017 Strategic Plan of the organization, the proposal to establish an internal auditing unit was presented in accordance with the reports of past independent auditing, and this unit began its activities in MAHAK from November 21, 2020. Internal auditing has taken shape to ensure the provision of more deserving services to children with cancer and their families.