
MAHAK Children’s Smiles, the Great Happiness for Volunteers

  • 17 April 22
  • 282 revirew
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When we do something eagerly without expecting any rewards, doing it becomes more enjoyable than the compulsory tasks and when our voluntary work is done in a charity we look for a different kind of reward. We look for a sense of inner satisfaction that we know is rooted in the happiness of our fellow beings.
28 years ago, the founder of MAHAK established this charity organization with the support and collaboration of a group of volunteers. Today, MAHAK volunteers, regardless of their ages and specialties, do their best for their fellow-beings by providing cancer-stricken children and their families with various services to witness the smiles and full health of MAHAK’s little angels.
Happy International Volunteer Day to all who strive to promote the notion of helping the fellow beings


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