
Mission Statement

  • 22 January 22
  • 344 revirew
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As an organization with a noble motive to help fellow human beings, our mission is defined:



MAHAK is a philanthropy established with the charitable and altruistic goal of serving humanity by combatting pediatric cancer nationally and internationally through medical care, research and support services. MAHAK is a non-profit, non-political, and non-governmental charity, dependent exclusively on public support provided in the form of funds, as well as in-kind, goods, services, and technical expertise.
Offering comprehensive services to children with cancer and their families, providing the most advanced and effective treatment services while observing the International Charter of Patients’ Rights, employing up-to-date scientific advances and establishing a new research center in order to contribute to identifying the causes of childhood cancer, and its preferred methods of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment comprise the mission of this organization.
In contributing to the reduction of the pediatric cancer rate in Iran, MAHAK has adopted a novel approach by investing in raising awareness, and in prevention education. With the objective of optimally utilizing human resource capabilities, volunteers and employees work in close cooperation to make sure humanitarian objectives are met to the highest standards. Accessing the most recent technologies enables us to further develop key capabilities.
By addressing pediatric cancer in this manner, MAHAK espouses the ideal of helping fellow human beings. Transparency, appreciation, and accountability are MAHAK’s most valued principles.
MAHAK, is a multi-disciplinary organization with one of the largest specialized hospitals in the Middle East and as a result of its commitments and transparency in giving comprehensive services under one roof according to international best practices, is the most trusted organization for individual and institutional benefactors who believe in the optimal utilization of scarce resources as measured by effectiveness and efficiency indices.


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