
Our home has turned 25

  • 16 April 22
  • 247 revirew
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In the name of God of kindness and love
25 years ago somewhere in this city in the heat of the day, among the traffic and rushing crowds a house was founded.
With its foundation, kindness, giving, dedication and devotion were founded. Every brick of this house was laid with love as it was going to be home for the children whom in the midst of all that pain, illness and treatment hold on to their medicine pole never refuse to play and be as happy as a kid though their childhood is involved with a huge battle.
Today is the 25th anniversary of MAHAK. MAHAK is a home for the children who stand against cancer to heal and grow up and think of their wishes for the future as well as parents who suffer alongside their children trying to stay strong and hopeful for them.
They stay hopeful and strong because they have a home where they can feel secure, somewhere they are sympathized and condoled. Somewhere they no longer feel alone and have no worries but their children.
My dream is to celebrate a day when all kids are through with cancer and treatment, a day when cancer is eliminated and I wish we could all gather one day to spend a day together celebrating the end of cancer.
For such day to come, my dear MAHAK, please stand strong and reach your helping kind hands towards all the children in need.
We love you.
Happy birthday MAHAK!
Ali-from MAHAK


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