Participation In International Conferences
- 17 April 22
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Participation in International Conferences
MAHAK has initiated partnerships with sister agencies and other international NGOs with similar goals and objectives. Some of these partnerships go back many years. MAHAK representatives participate in annual meetings of these organizations and exchange information and experiences on child cancer response and contribute to a joint agenda to fight cancer.
During the years 2008 and 2009 MAHAK has won awards from IDB on “Women in Development” and from UNWG (United Nations Women Guild) for purchasing hospital equipment.
The international activities of MAHAK are carried out through the International Department and include promoting the organizations’ activities in world bodies such as the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), United Nations Department of Public Relations (DPI), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). Activities for obtaining international donations and grants are also carried out through this department.
• MAHAK has been a member of the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations (ICCCPO) since 2000.
• MAHAK has been an affiliate of the Gustave-Roussy Institute (IGR) since 2007. Two international congresses, “Late effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment” in May 2008 and “Tailored Strategies for Childhood Sarcoma” in April 2009 were held jointly by MAHAK and the Gustave-Roussy Institute.
• MAHAK is an Associate Member of the International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR).
• MAHAK and the Cancer Institute of Iran signed a partnership agreement on research programs in 2003.
• MAHAK receives donations from ISCC – an affiliate of MAHAK – in the United States.
• MAHAK is affiliated to St. Jude Children Cancer Research Center in Lebanon.
• MAHAK cooperates with LÖSEV, the Foundation for Children with Leukemia in Turkey.
• MAHAK also cooperates with the International Union against Cancer (UICC).