Radiotherapy; A treatment for Childhood Cancer
- 18 September 23
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What is radiation therapy?
In addition to surgery and chemotherapy, radiation therapy is also one of the main methods of treatment for pediatric cancer patients. It is prescribed by the oncologist in certain conditions and by taking into account the patient’s condition. Sometimes, it is used to shrink cancerous tissue before surgery or to treat remaining cancer cells after surgery. In general, radiation therapy, only the targeted cancer cells are exposed to radiation, and tumor growth is controlled through this method.
How long is radiation therapy plan?
Radiation therapy treatment must be conducted in multiple sessions and sequentially to have a significant impact, depending on the patient’s condition. Interrupting the treatment can cause irreversible side effects for children undergoing cancer treatment. This treatment is faster compared to other treatment methods, and each radiation therapy session usually takes less than 30 minutes, sometimes even just 15 minutes.
What equipment is used in radiation therapy?
Radiation therapy is performed using specialized devices that precisely and effectively deliver radiations to cancerous tissues without harming healthy tissues as far as possible. To achieve the best outcome, the patient needs to remain immobile during radiation therapy; and for this purpose, special masks and equipment are used to keep the patient in the proper position for radiation delivery.
Does radiation therapy differ between children and adults?
Radiation therapy for children is not different from adults; both methods are the same and follow a specific course where cancerous tissues are irradiated. However, there are also differences; For example, to encourage children to unceasingly attend radiation therapy sessions, we need to create a happier and more calming environment for them and have a different approach towards them.
What to be done for children at MAHAK Hospital’s radiation oncology ward?
Since children tend to be more impatience during treatment and may be easily disturbed, MAHAK is the only radio oncology center in the country that offers pediatric anesthesia. This is a necessary requirement to achieve the best results from this treatment method for infants and children. During this process, efforts are also made to create a joyful space for children so that they pass this treatment stage with more comfort.