- 10 November 22
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We strongly believe that “where there is a will there is a way”.
We bring together the best minds in pediatric research to set the most effective standards and find out the latest methods of prevention and treatment.
Numbers of nationally well-known physicians have gathered to improve the health and safety of children by conducting joint workshops, projects, conferences at national and international levels in the field of pediatric cancer.
Since promoting research activities advances the knowledge of early detection and treatment of childhood cancer, therefore various researches are conducted by our medical team and our partnerships such as GUSTAV ROSSI institute, Ferrara university of Italy, cancer institute of Iran and so on.
Research activities
MAHAK highly specialized pediatric hospital by adopting latest technology in the field of diagnosis and treatment of children suffering from cancer acts as a highly specialized center in the middle east region, and always tries to improve and expand its abilities and activities.
Since the importance of research is widely recognized in the scientific community, MAHAK considers a very crucial place for research and regards it as an integrated part of the battle against pediatric cancer.
Some of these activities are listed as follows:
•Joint project with GUSTAV ROSSI institute regarding study the effects of late pediatric cancer treatment.
•Joint project with CAF, Russia in the field of Pediatric cancer treatment.
•Joint project with cancer institute of Iran regarding the Geographical distribution of children suffering from cancer.
•Joint project with university of Iran, School of Medicine, regading study the effect of induction of Apoptosis by Noscapine on Lymphoblastic cells acquired from patients with Lymphoblastis Leukemia.
•Joint project with university of Tehran regarding the methods and tools for excitement control and excitement amenity of children suffering of cancer.