
Smile; the Oldest Common Language among Humans

  • 17 April 22
  • 359 revirew
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Different small muscles next to the lips with a little contraction; the upward movement of lips’ corners; a very slight shrinkage of the eyes… They are all which create a strong effect in our body. The endorphins, dopamine and serotonin get released. Our brain receives more oxygen, gets refreshed and we feel happy. Our confidence gets increased, the world seems more beautiful, and our body gets ready to confront all kind of diseases. All these happen as the results of a slight contraction of small muscles in the face. This is the miracle of smile!
Today is the World Smile Day; the commemoration day of the common language among human beings, a language with more than million years of age.
We know all kinds of smiles: smile of love; smile of joy; smile of kindness and even a smile of compulsion. We at MAHAK crave for another kind of smile; the one which shows that a father is sure that the economic situation will not affect his child’s treatment process; the smile of a mother who knows that her beloved child is safely being treated after she has stayed up numerous nights next to her child’s bed. These smiles are results of the support of all MAHAK’s donors and benefactors. You are the creator of this smile of hope; the hope that life will defeat all negative feelings; the hope which removes the scary appearance of cancer.
We congratulate you the World Smile Day as the creators of smiles of health on faces of children with cancer and their families.


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