
The Story of the Boy and the Injection Pain

  • 16 April 22
  • 605 revirew
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In the morning, when he came to photo printing room with his father he was calm
In the morning, when he came to photo printing room with his father he was calm but as soon as his father started to select photos and he could see himself in the photos he was reminded of the day he had had injections, he looked at his hand and frowned. There was no mark of injection on his hand but it was like the pain had not ended. He couldn’t stand it and burst into tears. His father kissed the boy’s hand while talking kindly to calm him down. Then he was calm as if the father’s kiss had soothed his pain. Then they got the photos and left the room.
In the afternoon when we saw him waiting to take the elevator, we told his father:” It seems he feels no pain anymore in his hand”
His father replied:” Yes! But, he made everyone kiss his hand to feel better!”
To MAHAK fathers and mothers, little pleasures mean when the children forget the pain and feel well again. Let’s not leave MAHAK alone to change these little pleasures to the great pleasure of recovery.


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