
Upcoming projects

  • 16 April 22
  • 286 revirew
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Upcoming projects

As one of the nation’s top specialized pediatric hospitals, we strive to make difference in the cancer-stricken children’s lives by turning discoveries into lifesaving therapies and constantly expanding and renovating.
Adopting the latest technology by promoting various research projects has helped to extend the lives of many children who previously would have died before reaching adulthood. Our research outcomes will help them to live with a hope for a productive and fulfilling life.
At present MAHAK hospital, with accompany of many supporters, is running a number of projects in the field of treatment facilities. MAHAK upcoming projects will be very effective in pediatric cancer prevention and treatment. These projects are as follows:
• Holding the International medical congress on 27 February 2012.
• Equipping radiotherapy department with ACCELATOR 2 apparatus(machine).


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