
What’s it like when you are a mother to one of MAHAK children?

  • 16 April 22
  • 275 revirew
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When you become a mother, all your wishes get summed up in the being of the baby you keep in your arms. Being a mom is not easy at all but when the apple of your eyes gets sick, you understand how life can be difficult and intolerable. The mother in our story felt like everything had collapsed in her life as soon as she heard about her son’s having cancer. But you have stood by her with your support to put herself back together again and hug her beloved son to pass the hard treatment days.  Now, it’s been a while that she has started his son’s treatment process at MAHAK and has devoted herself to get only one wish granted: the health of her son. May all MAHAK mothers’ wish for their children’s wellbeing come true.



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